Hello everyone! Slacker is my name, but I have a legtimate excuse. My computer is dead once again. So, it will be a little while until there are pics. Sorry grandma and grandpa! The holidays were great. The kids loved Christmas and I didn't even hear complaining about not getting what they thought they should get. Maybe there's hope yet. We headed to Utah for New Years and loved seeing everyone. I guess that half of us getting the flu while there wasn't too bad because we all came out alive!
The last few weeks for some reason have just gone by so quickly. The girls had their show days for gymnastics. I knew that Katie would do wonderful, and she did, though I worried for Kylie just because she is so shy. It took her a minute to warm up, but by the end she was so confident. I was so proud. Afterward, I have never heard her talk so much without even taking a breath. It seems to have paid off.
Also, if anyone hasn't already heard our news, we are expecting #5! It's more of a shock to me than you I promise. Baby is due beginning of June. We will get to see if it's a boy or girl the first week of feb. I say it's a girl. I haven't been wrong yet. Besides, kids say that if it's a boy it would ruin the pattern!:) We don't care either way. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!
Howdy, and Stuff
10 years ago